Here's some cool data!

Based on the graphs on google trends, in the months bordering and including Novmeber, people seem to look up subjects concerned with Winter. After December, the rate in which people look up Winter topics decreases as Summer googles start to rise. In June, people seem to be more interested in searching up things for summer.

Past 12 months:

The rise in google searches for Winter peaks in December, while the maximum number of searches for Summer is centered in June.

Past 5 years:

The rises and falls have been extremely steady throughout the past five years. Summer is recorded to have an overall higher maximum point, as it is looked up typically 1.3 times as much as Winter.

Interest by region

The data suggests that Lithuania, Saudi Arabia, and Germany are among the only few regions who search up Winter topics more than Summer topics.


Here are the data queries of the most often searched topics based on Winter.

Here are the data queries of the most often searched topics based on Summer.

Here's the summary page and the homepage.